Established in October 1997, Paragon is a renowned internationally-active African design business based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Paragon’s work is driven by passion for the process of architecture, and a respect for technology and all it offers as the enabling connector between architecture and other design disciplines.
These factors underpinned the development of the Paragon website, launched in May 2017, which centres around showcasing Paragon’s extensive and iconic portfolio, and furthering relationships with clients, the media, and prospective employees.
Since then, Apex has undertaken all aspects of the website’s technical and content development, security and maintenance – with an extensive restructuring and redesign carried out in 2020 in line with international best practice in this sector.
Cindy Faux, Director, Paragon Group:
“The Paragon Group has had the opportunity to work with Apex Communications in the development and maintenance of our website. We have cultivated an amazing partnership with Apex and their commitment to and enthusiasm for our website is evident. The ideal service provider to any organisation is one that encompasses your brand as if it were their own and Apex Communications have definitely done this, we appreciate their eye for detail and their inventive approach in bringing our website to life.”
Sector: Architecture and Urban Design
Scope: Content strategy & development, technical development, design & construction, and ongoing maintenance of the Paragon website.
Duration: August 2016 – ongoing