
Gray Side Project’s Latest Exhibition

One of our oldest e-commerce clients is the Grayscale Gallery in Braamfontein which keeps the finest South African fringe artists in the spotlight. Their latest exhibition is a fusion of 3D printing, tattoo art and poster art.

‘13 Liners’ is an exhibition highlighting the work of 13 of the finest local tattoo artists. This year is the 4th Edition of the group show, previous editions have featured silkscreened works on paper, screen printed works on wood, and original works of the artists, respectively. In this edition the 3D realm has been explored for the first time.

Each artist was given an identical set of 3D printed “praying hands” based on the classic religious tattoo image. The hands were painted a flat grey and came with the simple brief to create an artwork using the hands in whichever way they chose. The artists were also asked to submit an A2 artwork to accompany the hands.

No overall theme was set so as to allow for complete creative freedom and the result clearly demonstrates the individuality of all the artists. Thirteen tattoo artists all with the same starting point and the outcome is 13 sets of completely unique works.

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